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8/28/2014 5:50:00 PM | Browse: 1088 | Download: 1151
Publication Name World Journal of Gastroenterology
Manuscript ID 8962
Country Italy
2014-01-14 08:20
Peer-Review Started
2014-01-14 12:02
To Make the First Decision
2014-01-24 11:51
Return for Revision
2014-01-25 17:07
2014-02-09 00:26
Second Decision
2014-03-10 15:17
Accepted by Journal Editor-in-Chief
Accepted by Executive Editor-in-Chief
2014-03-10 16:33
Articles in Press
Publication Fee Transferred
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2014-04-22 09:06
Publish the Manuscript Online
2014-04-29 09:53
ISSN 1007-9327 (print) and 2219-2840 (online)
Open Access
Article Reprints For details, please visit: http://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/gerinfo/247
Permissions For details, please visit: http://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/gerinfo/207
Publisher Baishideng Publishing Group Inc, 7041 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 160, Pleasanton, CA 94566, USA
Website http://www.wjgnet.com
Category Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
Manuscript Type Observational Study
Article Title Point shear wave elastography method for assessing liver stiffness
Manuscript Source Unsolicited Manuscript
All Author List Giovanna Ferraioli, Carmine Tinelli, Raffaella Lissandrin, Mabel Zicchetti, Barbara Dal Bello, Gaetano Filice and Carlo Filice
Funding Agency and Grant Number
Funding Agency Grant Number
FibroScan device was made available for this study by Echosens (Paris, France)
iU22 ultrasound equipment was provided by Philips Medical Systems (Bothell, WA, United States)
Corresponding Author Giovanna Ferraioli, MD, Researcher, Ultrasound Unit, Department of Infectious Diseases, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Medical School University of Pavia, Via Taramelli 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy. giovanna.ferraioli@unipv.it
Key Words Chronic viral hepatitis; Liver biopsy; Liver fibrosis; Ultrasound; Elastography; Sensitivity and specificity
Core Tip The results of this study show that point shear-wave elastography (PSWE) is a highly reproducible method for assessing liver stiffness that is characterized by high levels of intraobserver and interobserver agreement, both overall and for single measurements. The PSWE performance compares with that of transient elastography (TE), the most widely accepted method for the noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis. Compared with TE, routine ultrasound with elastography is advantageous because it allows the evaluation of other parameters that are complementary to stiffness, is highly accurate for the diagnosis of cirrhosis and can be used to screen for focal liver lesions.
Publish Date 2014-04-29 09:53
Citation Ferraioli G, Tinelli C, Lissandrin R, Zicchetti M, Dal Bello B, Filice G, Filice C. Point shear wave elastography method for assessing liver stiffness. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(16): 4787-4796
URL http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/full/v20/i16/4787.htm
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v20.i16.4787
Full Article (PDF) WJG-20-4787.pdf
Full Article (Word) WJG-20-4787.doc
Manuscript File 8962-Review.doc
Answering Reviewers 8962-Answering reviewers.pdf
Biostatistics Review Certificate Biostatistician_Review_Report_20140113175052.doc
Copyright License Agreement 8962-Copyright assignment.pdf
Institutional Review Board Approval Form or Document Ethics_Committee_20140113174945.docx
Non-Native Speakers of English Editing Certificate 8962-Language certificate.pdf
Peer-review Report 8962-Peer review(s).pdf
Scientific Editor Work List 8962-Scientific editor work list.doc